
Based in Copenhagen, Dara is a versatile product designer with a rich background in design, development, and consultancy. He specializes in creating innovative, user-focused solutions across a wide array of industries.

Currently, previously

Dara is a product designer at the Office for Experience Design, where he works on a wide range of innovative projects across different industries and technologies. Before joining OFXD, he held senior product design roles at several leading startups, including his most recent position as Lead Product Designer at Veo Technologies, a top sports AI company.


Dara's experience includes designing intuitive user experiences, developing scalable design systems, mentoring other designers, and collaborating with diverse teams to bring groundbreaking products to market.

Dara's recent resume is available here.

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This website is set in IBM Plex Sans and built with Framer.

If you have any comments, ideas, or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. I’d love to hear what you think!

Last updated in September 2024.

This website is set in IBM Plex Sans and built with Framer.

Last updated in August 2024.

© Dara Kilicoglu 2024

© Dara Kilicoglu 2024